17th October 2018

1.8 Significant Connections

Jay Gatsby, Isabelle, Benjamin, and Dexter all fall victim of their own illusion. F. Scott Fitzgerald frequently uses illusion as features as one of the main themes in, arguably, all of his texts. Fitzgerald uses this technique to add depth to character development and to make for much more rich dialogue. He also uses this technique to reflect society at the time. The 1920s in the US is when his writing gained popularity and for good reason. The illusion was back then, that nothing could be worse than WW1 and life could only be perfect from then on.  The rich overcompensated for the period of misery with over-indulgence. They all began to live the same illusion: “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement”. Besides theGatsby and Kenneth are very similar in the way that they both have built a reputation through illusion. Gatsby and his parties seem almost larger than life to Nick, who is surprised if not disappointed when he first meets Gatsby not realizing who he is. Same goes for Isabelle who has let rumors and anticipation set her up for “she knew that she had expected him to be tall and of Vernon Castle-ish slenderness. Another aspect of illusion is where the characters find themselves playing a role in order to prosper in society.

Gatsby and Kenneth are very similar in the way that they both have built a reputation through illusion. Gatsby and his parties seem almost larger than life to Nick, who is surprised if not disappointed when he first meets Gatsby not realizing who he is. Same goes for Isabelle who has let rumors and anticipation set her up for “she knew that she had expected him to be tall and of Vernon Castle-ish slenderness. Another aspect of illusion is where the characters find themselves playing a role in order to prosper in society.

In The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, around the midpoint of both Ben and Daisy’s lives they meet at a mid-point at around age 35 where for a few years they try to ignore the fact they are aging differently and instead try to have a normal happy relationship.

Dexter green is very similar to Gatsby in the way that his illusion is that of getting with his golden girl, Judy Jones as opposed to Daisy for Gatsby. It is the goal of reaching the unreachable girl.  Both have spent a large portion of their adult life obsessed over this one girl.  From the moment he first sees her at the Sherry Island Golf Island he is obsessed and his life begins to revolve around her.

GREAT GATSBY: Gatsby is similar to all precedent protagonists in the way they all relate to a facet of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s life.

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Gary,

    You have a lot of this essay left to complete in the time left in this assessment.

    Remember, you must explain the element you have chosen for each text and then examine the connections that exist across the texts. Be sure to use sufficient evidence to support your observations.

    Mrs. P


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